It happens too quickly! Miss Quinn is a month old already. She is doing great. She sleeps about 4 hours at a time at night(more than Canon) and she's really alert and awake now at certain times during the day. It's so much fun to see her take in her surroundings. She's giving little side smiles here and there, a sign that her first real smile is not too far away. Happy 1 month birthday to our sweet baby girl!
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
"Mymom" recently visited and before she came she asked me what the boys were interested in. I told her transformers for Aidan and that Canon was really into buses lately. (that is an understatement)! If there is a vehicle that is slightly bigger than a car, it's a BUS! to Canon. A fire truck, is a BUS! A van, is a BUS! An SUV, is a BUS! So when we are driving around in the car all we hear out of Canon is BUS!!!!!!!!!!!!! And when the BUS! goes out of sight, he yells MORE! Well, "mymom" bought him his very own bus. Canon, being the silly boy that he is decided that he would play with it in a different way.
Visit with Mymom
We call my mother "mymom" and she came to visit! We were so excited to have her and she was so much help. Todd and I had 2 weddings this past weekend and it was so much easier for us to leave the boys and Quinn(for the first time) with their "mymom." They did great! I finally convinced her to let me take a few pictures so we went out to a great little garden full of azaleas. It was fun, but challenging. Wrangling 3 children to have their picture is a workout to say the least, but the memories were worth it.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Western Day
On Friday Aidan had Western Day at his school. It was so cute. All the kids dressed up and they did 5 different "dances" at their hoe down! Aidan was paired up with Malena, our neighbor that he adores, and they did a great job together. Aidan was up, dressed, and ready for school at 6:00am (school starts at 9:00am). Todd took some great pictures of our little cowboy before he headed off to school. YEEHAW! 

Sunday, April 13, 2008
First REAL bath
Nothing like a taking a bath with 4 onlookers. There will be no modesty in this family! Quinn took her first with the whole family in the bathroom and 2 cameras in her face(Daddy and Aidan). She was much better in the tub than she was with the "spongebath." Sitting in the warm water calmed her down instantly. She still loves the warm towels though. Don't we all wish there was a warm towel waiting for us as well.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Who does she look like?
When a baby is born everyone takes great interest in who the baby looks like. Here are baby pictures of each of us and you can decide for yourself. We think she looks like Quinn!
Monday, April 7, 2008
The BIG brothers
We've been home a week now and the boys are really adjusting well. It's amazing to me how they just want to love on Quinn. They want to kiss her and hold her and just be around her constantly. Canon cries when I put her down in the bassinet-he wants her with us! Aidan is an experienced pro at being a big brother, but Canon is still learning. He was looking to sit in my lap, but I was nursing: needless to say he found a lap to sit in! It's a good thing Aidan is so sweet! Quinn is getting used to being passed from brother to brother. I have a feeling she will always be well taken care of by her big brothers.
She's Awake......
Quinn had mastered the art of sleeping 2 hours, eating, sleeping 2 hours, eating, (you get the idea). Well yesterday she woke up! It was so much fun to see her looking around that we took the opportunity to catch a few photos of her with her eyes open. I think the sleepy newborn stage will be wearing off soon!
Our first nursery
So Todd and I have always been under the impression that newborns don't need fancy nurseries. Our boys didn't have a nursery and we felt for sure that this baby wouldn't either. Then along came a sweet little girl and we found ourselves painting the room.......PINK! Here's a look at us working hard as a family to make Quinn a nursery.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
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