Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Old man Todd
The Date
Don't fall over when I tell you this, but Todd and I got to go on a date! An actual date! It was so much fun and so quiet. Grace watched the kiddos and we went out and had a quiet dinner for Todd's birthday. It was so much fun and made us realize that we need to do that more often. We wouldn't have the beautiful family that we do without each other. We are blessed!
The fence that Todd and Grace built
My sister Grace is in town and not only has she been amazingly helpful with the kids, but she was Todd's assistant in installing new fencing for us. They spent all day out in the heat working so hard and the fruit of their labor is amazing. Aidan and Canon of course had to get in on the action as well.......it was a great day, with great helpers.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Quack quack
We were all sitting at the dinner table eating and we saw 2 ducks in our backyard! Well Canon was obsessed so we got some bread and went out back to try and feed them. Try is the key word there.......we really just chased them away. So we took advantage of the dusk and took some pictures with Aunt Grace! We're having so much fun with her here. Canon wrestles her, Quinn smiles at her, and Aidan talks her ear off! It's so nice to have her here!

Monday, May 19, 2008
It's a bird, it's a plane, It's a SMILE!
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Who's your baby?
Just a quick one this morning. Quinn was napping and Canon was playing so I hopped on the computer to get through some pictures. A few minutes into it I heard Canon saying, "baby" "baby" I looked over and saw that he was referring to himself.................still my baby boy! I laughed and thought you all might too!
Monday, May 12, 2008
Happy Mother's Night
Mother's Day was wonderful, we went to church and kite flying and had a good day. Mother's Night was even better. When Todd got off work we met him for pizza(no cooking!) and then all came home and enjoyed each other. Quinn seems to know when it's time for Todd to get home and she loves her time with her dad and it gives me time with the boys. We all met up in Quinn's room after baths. As I looked at my family, I realized how blessed I am and how amazing it is that I've been given the opportunity and the honor of being the mommy to these 3 amazing kids. I also loved seeing them so happy to have daddy home so I got out the camera and caught it so even when I am too old to remember, I will. 

Quinn is really starting to respond to us, she's on the verge of a smile and cooing. She's not a thumb sucker, but she got her pointer finger in her mouth and enjoyed sucking on it for a while.

Flying Kites.........kind of
I took the boys out to Shelby Farms on Mother's Day to fly kites. Quinn came too of course, but was content hanging out in the sling. It was so windy I thought it would be perfect. (This coming from a novice kite flier). Needless to say the kites never really got too far off the ground. There were people all around us with kites way up in the air and then there was us......the kites dragging on the ground. I do have to say Aidan was quite persistent and kept running and trying his hardest. We spent most of the time out there laughing and running.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Running with Nanny and Whee!
No, I haven't lost my mind, but I have a 23 month old(Canon) who is just learning to talk and I am the interpreter. If you ask him his name he will say, "Nanny" and if you ask him his baby sisters name, first he will say "baby" and then he says "Whee." I've come to figure out that is his attempt at Quinn. It's fun to try and decipher what he's saying. Here are a few pics of their second home, the stroller. Mommy loves to get her runs in and they love coming along for the ride.
Canon always holds his ear while he drinks. It's his comfort thing and it doesn't matter if he's drinking milk at night or a cup of juice mid-day, he's gotta have that ear!

Monday, May 5, 2008
bubbles, bubbles everywhere
There is just something fun about bubbles. Kids always love them no matter what age they get. The boys and I went to Target yesterday to get milk and we came home with bubble guns? They had so much fun. It was so great for Canon, since blowing bubbles is not a skill he has mastered yet. They ran around the yard and used every drop of bubbles they had. It felt like the perfect activity for the perfect spring day.
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