Sunday, October 26, 2008
So we ended our day outside in a big pile of leaves. I love watching them have new experiences. I raked up a big pile and Canon jumped in it for a while and then they just sat a played. Quinn decided to taste a few of them, and Canon was eager to help her. Who needs tv? We have all the entertainment we'll ever need!

Crazy Canon
I know that boys are different, but Canon pushes that daily. I find myself gasping, running, trying to save his life on a daily basis. He has no fear and knows no boundaries. As we were outside playing, he decided to scale up the side of the swing set, slide down it while standing, and then of course fell(on his face!) This didn't slow him down a bit, he stood back up and kept on going. Quinn just kept looking at him like she's thinking, "What is this kid doing?" I told Todd the other day, I think the 2 of them are going to get into plenty of trouble together! I guess I am getting used to Canon's wild antics, because instead of rushing to clean him up, I rushed to get the camera! :)

Just a swingin'
We are so lucky in the fact that we have parks all around, but sometimes I forget how much fun the kids can have in our own backyard. Canon needed an escape from the house and I needed a break from picture sorting, so we went outside. Quinn was a little unsure of the swing at first, but warmed up to it quickly. Her facial expressions are all-telling and she lets us know if it's something she likes or doesn't. I think we'll be swinging more often!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Happy Fall!
We had so much fun going to the pumpkin patch! The weather has cooled off and the kids just love being outside. We got to play, pick out pumpkins, and of course, take a ton of pictures! So many I had to put them in a slideshow! It was a great way to celebrate fall and always fun when we all get to be together. Quinn was showing off her tongue and drooling a ton! Aidan was making kissing faces(Todd has to get him laughing or we get the goofy first grader smile)! and Canon, well he was just amazed at how many pumpkins there were! Happy Fall Y'All!
The zoo with the Lotts
Lynn is an amazing woman who I had the pleasure of working with in Desoto County Schools. We have not seen each other in almost 2 years! It's so sad, we live 30 minutes away and have both been so busy! With fall break we grabbed the opportunity to get together at the zoo. Aidan and Ethan had a great time together and Canon and Jon Jon did as well. It was so much fun to see her and her sweet family and we will not go that long again!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Sorghum Festival
This is a milk truck!
Sunday, October 5, 2008
That was one good nap!
This was Canon after he woke up from his nap. Todd and I were cracking up, we had to take some pictures. We are trying to grow out his hair because he has a crazy cowlick in the front and we're trying to cover this point it's a toss up....keep the cowlick or this hair do? We're not sure?:)

Thursday, October 2, 2008
6 months old!
Quinn has been a joyful part of our lives for a whole 6 months. WOW! She is such a honey. Her milestones thus far are....she is officially sitting up(mostly-a few flops every once in a while), she has cut her 2 bottom teeth, and her new obsession? eating mom's hair. She loves to grab, pull, and eat my hair, therefore, I constantly have a ponytail now. She is really interacting now, especially with Aidan and Canon. She and Canon have yelling matches...Canon screams, Quinn screams, Canon screams, Quinn goes on and on and they both think it's so funny. She is on the verge of blowing a raspberry as well! She weighs 16 lbs. 10 oz.( and has the thighs to proove it:) and she is 26 inches long! We went to the zoo to scope it out for a wedding and got a few sweet pictures of our 1/2 year old little girl! And a few of the girls!
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