As I was typing that last blog, you know how much my kids love each other.....Quinn was taking a couple of steps with her walker/pusher toy. I grabbed the camera and was ooohing and aaahing at her. Canon didn't so much want camera time, but just to block Quinn's camera time. I thought it was too ironic(and funny) not to share! Happy Spring everyone!
Monday, March 23, 2009
The end of a great Spring Break
Aidan was on Spring Break last week. We had a great time just hanging out and enjoying the nice weather. We went to the zoo and played outside almost everyday(no pictures!) It was so nice to get up and just be with each other. Yesterday was his last day of spring break, we went to church, came home and it was as if the three of our silly kids couldn't get enough of each other. They were so cute sitting all in a row together, I took a break from sorting pictures to take a quick few of them. I pray they always love each other as they do now!

The D word
Todd and I went and did our first engagement session for the season....we had a babysitter and a gift card to Texas de Brazil, so we decided to turn it into a Date. That's right, we went on a Date! It was so nice to have an AMAZING meal with my hubby. We went and saw Duplicity (Julia Roberts is my favorite!) and then came home to a house of sleeping kiddos. It was a perfect evening.
Messy mashed potatoes
We have ventured into eating independently and that always means....a BIG mess. This night we were having chicken, mashed potoates, and corn. I tried to feed Quinn, but she would have nothing to do with it, she wanted her plate. I got her in the high chair and went to fix the boys plates. I turned around (literally 3 minutes) and her plate was not only empty, but she was covered! The girl LOVES to eat......needless to say, we went directly to the bath tub.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Truly there is nothing sweeter than hearing your baby utter those 2 little syllables! She was on a roll yesterday and kept saying it over and over, until I got my phone to try and capture it quickly. So, I had to encourage her to say it! She of course quickly followed by a da-da, whom she has wrapped around her finger....who are we kidding, she has us all wrapped around her finger. We are blessed!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Bucket head......and other kitchen fun
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Our nose man
Canon puts the "s" in all "s" words at the end of the word, for example snow becomes nose....? Aidan built a snow man(and he took the picture as well) and Canon called it a nose man. here is our snow man....and the last of the snow pictures as it is melting quickly. And yes, those are rice cakes for eyes :-)

More snow pictures.....
Window snow ball fight
Here are the boys "attacking" their sister through the window! She stayed there forever waiting for the next one. Too funny!
So, I remember saying that Memphis weather was crazy, just a blog ago.....and true to my word, we are now under several inches of SNOW! It started yesterday, so Canon and Aidan went out and played in it. I also remember wishing for a snow day for Canon, and we got it. He had such a good time. Their favorite thing to do was to throw snow balls at us through the kitchen window. We then had to warm up with some yummy hot chocolate....with marshmallows of course!

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