Every Mother's Day is special in it's own way....just like each of my kids are. This Mother's Day each of our kids "look different"...they are hitting and passing milestones like crazy! As we near the end of the school year Aidan graduated from a Tiger to a Wolf in cub scouts, not to mention he'll be a 2nd grader in just a few short weeks(Are you kidding me?)! We went to his Cub Scout graduation Friday night and they had a blast, shooting water rockets and throwing footballs, and eating yummy food. Here is my chance to brag on him...he is responsible and sweet and so smart. He loves to read, is always helping me, and is just amazing. He's skinny and goofy and his laugh is infectious. He woke Todd up this morning because he wanted to make me breakfast in bed and he did a great job! It was delicious and a special treat, just like being Aidan, Canon, and Quinn's mommy is a special treat!

Canon equally enjoyed the cub scouts graduation. He is athletic and active. He is super social, he'll talk to anyone at anytime(whether or not they'll understand him is another story :) He is just a "cool" little kid and makes you laugh at any given moment. He is now officially POTTY TRAINED! Woohoo! He is doing so good and we are so proud of him. The breakfast in bed Aidan and Todd made me, Canon ate half of it, because that's just Canon, he loves to eat everyone else's food!

And then there is Princess Quinn. She is so much fun and growing up way too fast....She enjoyed a huge piece of watermelon and LOVED their lemonade(she drank her weight in it) She can walk, she just doesn't like to. She decided she wanted a football bad enough to walk for it, but she will drop to her knees and start crawling in a heartbeat! She has eyes that stop everyone and she has mastered the surprised "ooo" face. She is a daddy's girl and such a snuggler, she puts those little arms around your neck and it's like you've died and gone to heaven!

The twins!

Is it just me, or do they all look different? Happy Mother's Day!