My prayers are child-like at best(I'm not overly proud and normally only pray in front of Todd and the kiddos, this is not easy for me to share, be patient with me:)..."hey God, it's me again....oh wait, you probably already knew that...(giggle at myself),I often pray while I'm running, I sometimes get to go early in the morning, before the world is awake and it's quiet, which is rare in my life. It's the perfect time, and sometimes my only time to get in all that needs to be said to Him.
Many of my runs consisted of praying for a little girl named Caroline. I never met her, but she attended Aidan's school, when she was healthy enough to. She had stomach aches starting in 2007, when she was 7, Aidan's age. They found out she had a tumor that had wrapped itself around and in 5 of her organs. She was a very rare case.....She lost her fight this summer. She was a girl, a daughter, a sister, a classmate, an artist, an inspiration.
"God, I don't know why, I'm not going to pretend to understand, God, is it like you're a painter? Was she a brush stroke on your canvas? I can't make sense of what you're painting...but I have faith that it will be beautiful. Paint us as you would want us to be painted. God, thank you that I get to kiss my kids and Todd when I get home...I'm sorry that Caroline's family doesn't get to kiss her anymore. Send them little reminders of her daily....keep her fresh in their minds and in their hearts. I know I will get lazy and forget to pray for them...remind me to pray for them...they need you, I need you. I'm desperate for you (I start singing a song, very out of tune)....I don't always know what I'm supposed to pray, but show me...I'll pray it, protect my sweet family, thank you that you picked me to be their mom....(a bird lands on a branch and catches my attention) thanks for showing me that part of your picture, nature, it's lucky am I to be here this morning, in this place, thank you for my legs to get me going in the morning...and my alarm clock,I can't believe I just thanked you for an alarm clock...(another giggle to myself)...okay, I'll catch you later...In your strong and unshakable name....Amen"
I am running the St. Jude Marathon on December 5, 2009. I am honored to be running it for Team Caroline. If you feel like you would like to donate please click HERE and thank you.
If you don't feel like you would like to donate, thank you for reading this and please pray for Caroline and her family.
With love,