No seriously, 8? Crazy! Todd and I asked Aidan about 2 months ago what kind of party he wanted, Laser Tag? Incredible Pizza? (anything away from home? haha) Aidan, being the sweet boy that he is would say, "That sounds kind of fun, or a sleepover?" After several attempts at trying to convince for a different kind of party (anything not at our house, haha) we gave into his big eyes and sweet request. And what a sleepover it was.......We sent each boy an acceptance letter to Hogwart's and when they arrived they each had a Gryffendor cloak, a broom (to play Quidditch), a scar tattoo, glasses, and their very own Hedwig(owl). We played Quidditch outside, then came in for Potions Class and pizza, then we had a hunt for the golden snitch and they each won Bertie's Bots from the sweet shop(jelly beans with flavors like soap, earwax, and canned dog food....gross!!!!). We then floated Aunt Marge around and played. Then opened presents, ate cake, and settled in to watch Harry Potter!

Quidditch supplies.....

Our sweet, 8 year old, birthday boy......

An attempt at all 3 kiddos......

Another monkey see....monkey do....

The boys all had Harry Potter scars.......Quinn felt left out so she put a sticker on her head!

All the much fun!

Fleming tradition....Todd makes all the kiddos birthday cakes, here is Harry in all his glory....Todd did awesome....faces are really hard!

And you know you've done a good job when you get a smile like this......good work Daddy!

This was the jelly bean tasting.....they had 2 of the same color, one was yummy and the other was yucky...this is the anticipation of, "Is it good, or gross?" 8 year old boys love gross!

Present time....I love how all the boys are so excited with every sweet! Happy Birthday to our sweet, handsome Aidan!