Friday, July 1, 2011
Canon is 5
We traveled home all day on the 10th and I mean ALL DAY. We got home very late that evening and crashed. When we woke up it was Canon's real birthday. We were all a little sleepy ...and hung out in our pj's for a while.
We managed to have a balloon and some presents for him despite not being home for a week!
Mymom and g-pa sent the best presents!
So, we have always made the kids b-day cakes, but we just couldn't make it happen. We put 5 cupcakes on a plate and Todd got the great idea for relighting candles. It was fun! Happy Birthday sweet boy!

California Adventures
I have to say I think California Adventures was my favorite. It wasn't overly crowded, it had fun rides (California Soaring was my favorite, with the Buzz Lightyear ride a close second), and the night show, the world of color....beyond words amazing! The boys went to California Soaring and Ashley and I rode with the girls in the Bug's Life area.
Warning: Cuteness overload may occur
Poor Ashley, we had a really fun evening the night before at the Cheesecake Factory. She ended up with a bug and just needed a nap to keep going. She laid down right next to the roller coaster while we rode Buzz Lightyear. She was refreshed and kept up with us the whole day...such a trooper!
Me and my girl, waiting for Buzz ride
Brody and Chris
The silly face seems to upset Brody....too funny!
Waiting for Buzz, got our glasses ready!
Cousins, having a blast!

It was an amazing trip with amazing people! We love you and miss you tons Blakes!

It was an amazing trip with amazing people! We love you and miss you tons Blakes!
This is Hollywood...land of dreams
We decided (very wise Aunt Ashley) to break up the Disney 2 days with a day trip to Hollywood and Rodeo Drive. Chris and Ashley know everyone and have all the hook ups, so they drove down in a 15 passenger white van. We were so cool driving around Hollywood in it. People couldn't stop trying to see who was in it! We are in front of the Hollywood sign here, pretend like you can see it!
Oh Daddy is so funny!
We went to Grauman's Chinese Theater

The happiest place on earth.....
Happy Birthday at the happiest place on earth! We went to Disney land on the second full day in California and got Canon hooked up with a Birthday button. When the staff on site see it they say Happy Birthday Canon! It was awesome all day he was inundated with birthday wishes!
We had just walked into the gates and decided to get a group shot! I may be biased but these are the cutest 5 kids I have ever layed eyes on. 
Uncle Chris...it's all about Canon...
If the Dumbo ride doesn't represent Disney, I don't know what does! Aunt Ashley with Canon

Give them a few years, this is what they will be doing! Scary to think:-)

And we all got some sweet Brody time through out the day....SO CUTE and SO GOOD!
I think he likes me?
Those look like Uncle Chris faces to me.

Not a bad place to spend your 5th birthday! We love you sweet boy.

Lego Land
We ventured to Lego Land the first day. I have to say I was much more impressed than I thought I would be. Aidan was in total heavan and everyone else enjoyed it too. The weather in California was AMAZING. We wore pants and t-shirts and even jackets at times....IN JUNE! It was a great first day of theme parks for us.

The girls....this melts my heart and makes me wish that we lived closer!

Daddy and Canon, our fearless rider!

Another sweet girl moment!
Canon has no fear he wants to ride every ride, meet every person. He said, Dad take my picture by Darth Vader. Did not even hesitate. He's so cool!
All rides aside, this had to be Canon and Aidan's favorite place. They could build lego cars and race them, like a derby. Canon had a little help (Daddy designed the car) and won every race he entered. He probably raced 50 times! Aidan had fun coming up with SUPER LONG cars thinking he could win the race before he ever started. He has such the imagination.

Funny picture! We all went to vegas last March and stayed at the Excalibur, Broday was born in December...you do the math! The whole strip was done in LEGOS!
Aidan got his Lego License and was a very attentive and rule abiding driver....that's my boy!

More building! The gift shop was amazing and luckily we had to think about what we could bring back in suitcases! We brought an empty one just for that reason!

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