Happy Halloween...I had to fit this post in before Thanksgiving! Every year my mom "Mymom" buys the kiddos costumes. Well this year we were extra lucky because they got to go with her to pick them out. We went to Florida for fall break and they spent a week with "Mymom" while Todd and I went on a cruise!!! They had so much fun! So they picked out their costumes.
On the cruise, Todd and I were trying to guess what they would pick. We KNEW 100% Aidan would be a Ninja....and......we were absolutely right!

Canon, we weren't sure if he would just follow in Aidan's footsteps or not, but we thought a Super Hero of sorts. We were semi-surprised at his Dark(yes, I know it's Darth) Vader choice. He explained....he came with a red light saver(yes, I know it's saber!)

And then there is Quinn, our bohemian child, who changes clothes 10 times a day....wants to match her mood for the moment (she totally makes me smile). She was our wild card....we were pretty sure a Princess would be in the running. Little did we know that she would find...........(wait for it, wait for it) A PRINCESS ELMO costume. Really? Who knew they made those? Only Quinner could pull this one off! She was the cutest Princess Elmo I ever saw! She is a smooth talker too, she talked "Mymom" into a matching bucket of course! HA!

The kiddos had the best time trick or treating. Canon was so excited, he would have run the neighborhood all night! Quinn quickly filled up her Elmo bucket and we headed home with WAY too much candy. It was a blast. Thanks again Mymom, for a great vacation and great costumes!!!