This is too crazy! Aidan is in 1st grade, Canon is 2, and Quinn is already 5 months old! It's too fast. It's too much fun. She is so funny. She loves eating her feet, a recent discovery. She smiles freely at anyone who will talk to her. She LOVES Aidan, she gets bright-eyed when he comes around. And I can't prove it, but I think she cries the second she sees Canon, just to protect herself! He wants so badly to love on her, but it ends up more a smothering than a love. She will eat rice cereal like there is no tomorrow, but if you feed her a vegetable, she acts like you are poisoning her.(Just like her daddy!) She can close those lips so tight, nothing can get past them. She's so much fun and we're trying to savor every moment of her babyhood. Todd recently got a new backdrop and so we of course had to try it out.

1 comment:
She's our favorite!!! She is all smiles for sure...her "laugh" reminds me of Addie...they are already best friends but just don't know it yet. :)
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