We had a gorgeous break in the weather on Friay, it was in the high 70's ( a rare treat for Memphis in June) so we packed a picnic lunch and headed to the zoo. We had a great time, Aidan created a scavenger hunt for me and gave me clues to find the animals. We saw all 5! And Quinn really for the first time got very interested in the animals, although she called them all ducks (we're still working on that!) Canon ran around wanting to see everything and wouldn't let us miss one animal! Quinn loves her brothers, but she adores Aidan. She is constantly calling out his name "A-da"The boys begged to ride the carousel so I let them feel big and go on their own while Quinn and I watched. They waved every time they came around and Quinn would kick her feet and squeal and wave back.Our children NEVER do well with pictures with all 3 of them, they were being so cute, it made me sad I didn't have the good camera.
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