The boys have done such a good job reading this summer. Aidan completed the summer reading program at the library and Canon has read a lot too. Friday we went in to get some of our rewards and they both got free ice cream tickets. Well the weather here has been GORGEOUS, like highs in the 80' I loaded them up in the stroller and ran up to the ice cream shop. We got in 8 miles and 3 ice creams....we were all happy!(and very messy!)
Grandpa and Janet came and visited us...we had such a good time with them. They brought the boys this really cool kite that we flew even though it wasn't that windy. We had a blast and the boys have been begging to fly it ever since (and of course we've had no wind!) They took Aidan to see Transformers and then Canon and Aidan to zoo nights while we were at a wedding. We had a great time with them!
We headed back home and back to the real world on Friday. Mymom and my sister Erica came with us. We went to the neighborhood 4th of July parade (decorated bikes and strollers walking a block together!) and then we hung out by the pool and ate some yummy turkey burgers(thanks to Todd!) We got the kids dressed in their red, white, and blue (thanks Mymom!) Then we went to the Germantown Centre and hung out down there and jumped on bouncies and watched amazing fireworks. It was a good time even though it was quite warm, we all enjoyed it. The kids were all asleep in the car on the 5 minute ride home! this is Canon's new "smile" not sure how he got that, but hopefully he'll lose it soon! :) You can't tell from this picture, but they really did have a good time!
Princess Quinn is always having a good time.... A little tribute to Axl Rose.....rock on Quinn!
And finally it got dark and although it sprinkled on us twice the rain held off and we got to enjoy an awesome fireworks show.....
to grandmother's house we go....we had such a good time visiting with grammy. She made us feel right at home and had a lot of company with our family and my mom and brother and sisters. We had such a good time hanging out with her, swimming in her pool, golfing, and on the last night we played a mean round of poker. It was so nice to get to see her new house and for her to spend time with the kiddos. It was her first time meeting Quinn! Here are a few family shots around the house. Grace and Quinn were buds.......Quinn is our snuggle-bug, giving Grammy some of those good snuggles... Four generations....A nice family shot until Canon starts acting up and then it turns into..... A great shot with Grammy laughing...way to go Canon!Grammy and her 2 kids, my mom and uncle michael I got them laughing and told them if they stood sideways it was "slimming" don't they look skinny?
Grandma lives on a golf course, so Todd and the boys were in heaven. She has her own golf cart and lives on hole 13. They went out a couple nights after it had cooled off and played a few holes. Here are all the boys the last night we were there showing off their mad golf skills! My handsome boys!
After walking around St. Simons we went and got on a shrimp boat. Yes, I planned for this fun family adventure and although I had some skeptics, we ended up having a really good time. We went out for 2 hours and they actually throw out and pull in the shrimp nets and then let the kids hold and look at everything they pull in. Then they feed you way too many shrimp and you get off full and happy. The puffer fishThe puffer fish was not something Canon was NOT interested in.....I obviously thought that was hilarious for some reason!Aidan wasn't too sure at first, but eventually agreed to hold this guitar fish... And poor Grace...she held Quinn while she was sleeping for most of the ride and when she finally decided to eat, I wanted a picture.....Love you G!
We went on a very much needed vacation. We took a road trip to Savannah, Tybee Island, St. Simons Island, and to my grandma's house in Jesup, GA. We had a great time relaxing. We didn't take pictures in Savannah or Tybee, but Canon danced with the street performers and Aidan and Todd rode jet skis....then we spent a little bit of time on the beach at Tybee. My mom and brother and sisters met us and we all went to St. Simons Island. It is gorgeous....when I grow up I want to live there! It's a quaint beach town with a super cute "village" of shops, a lighthouse, and some amazing old trees. We had a great time walking around as a fam! Self portrait! Always fun....They had this game that was basically a hook on a piece of wood and a ring. Bryce got it first, then Todd and Aidan got it too. People walking by were amazed that they all figured it out.Quinn and Aunt Grace....I tried to convince Grace to move to Memphis to study her micro biology stuff(she's way smart) and be our nanny....I think it's a win-win situation....She loves the camera and her daddy behind it! When we came across this old tree it turned into an impromptu photo and my brother and sisters...I think the last time we were all photographed together was at our wedding! All the girls...And the Flemings...