to grandmother's house we go....we had such a good time visiting with grammy. She made us feel right at home and had a lot of company with our family and my mom and brother and sisters. We had such a good time hanging out with her, swimming in her pool, golfing, and on the last night we played a mean round of poker. It was so nice to get to see her new house and for her to spend time with the kiddos. It was her first time meeting Quinn! Here are a few family shots around the house.

Grace and Quinn were buds.......

Quinn is our snuggle-bug, giving Grammy some of those good snuggles...

Four generations....

A nice family shot until Canon starts acting up and then it turns into.....

A great shot with Grammy laughing...way to go Canon!

Grammy and her 2 kids, my mom and uncle michael

I got them laughing and told them if they stood sideways it was "slimming" don't they look skinny?
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