I had to clean....so being the BRILLIANT person that I am I decided to keep the kids occupied with PAINT?!?!?!?! What was I thinking? I gave them big paper, brushes, and paint. Put them at the kitchen table and took off Quinn's shirt, so she wouldn't get messy(yes, I just said that!) I snapped a few pictures of them painting happily and then I went and scrubbed my tub until it was shiny white. I came down to see Quinn (or should we call her, the Hulk) covered in green paint. I could do nothing but laugh, and of course take some pictures. I then took her to my shiny white tub and put her green body in it. We washed her clean, fed her lunch, and then I scrubbed my tub again. The second time I scrubbed, I smiled the whole time. They can always make me smile!
Monday, April 19, 2010
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
More Easter....
So after we hunted eggs, we decided to load up and go try to get a few pictures of all 3 kiddos. We went to a park with changes of clothes and all of our baseball stuff to play. It was amazing weather. We got a few good ones before Canon fell in mud (a dog walked by him and he ran into the mud and slipped, but he's not scared of dogs!) Then we played some family baseball and finished on the playground. It was a fun way to spend time together!

And this is the dress I made for her birthday/Easter. I finished it March 30th at 11:00 at night!

Since Canon was muddy it turned into a photo shoot of just Quinn!

Gotta love a crinkle nose smile!

The Hunt

Yes, although it might be closer to Christmas than Easter(only 254 shopping days left!), I am still going to share our Easter pictures. It's been busy, thank you for you patience...and now back to our regular blogging program.
Easter was great. We got up and went to early church and enjoyed a great service. Then we came home and the kids hunted for Easter eggs in the front yard. It was fun to see all three of them running around this year. Quinn kind of got it last year, but this year, she knew exactly what to do. The boys saw the eggs everywhere, but SO sweet, they kind of hung back and let Quinn go first. Such gentleman! EGGS!

"Look Aidan, look what I found!" he screams happily!

"Mommy, Daddy, I found a PICKLE!" only Canon!

They picked out their Easter baskets this year....of course Canon got a dinosaur!

and our Astros baseball player picked out a baseball basket....

Ok, I am not sure who invited this young man to our Easter Egg hunt.....the last time I looked I had 2 little boys and a baby, when did he get this big?

He maybe big, but he still loves doing kid things!

Quinn chose a basket with a stuffed animal attached to it and was mad that she couldn't get the stuffed animal off! Silly girl

My three little ducks all in a row....I think we told them if they were done, we could open them up....that means CANDY!

Thursday, April 1, 2010
Happy Birthday Quinn!
Quinn is 2. Her birthday was yesterday and at school they had their Easter Egg hunt and party, so she felt extra special! Daddy got off work early, so we all played in the backyard and then went to Aidan's baseball practice. We had a very fancy birthday dinner at Chik-fil-A and of course played there and then came home to one of Daddy's famous cakes....duck shaped of course. Here are some pics Todd took of Quinn out at Botanic Gardens this weekend. Happy Birthday to our sweet girl!
This has to be my favorite!
This is Quinn
There really aren't words to describe Quinn. She constantly gives us joy and at the same time has us worried all the time. She can undress faster than any child I've ever met (especially when you are in a hurry to go somewhere). She can climb to heights that seem impossible. She can find things that you were sure you hid from little hands. She knows what she wants and doesn't want and lets you know it. She loves to sing, clap, and can almost beat up Canon! Everyday is an adventure with her and it is an amazing ride.
I will be upstairs folding laundry and I hear the chairs/stools scooting across the kitchen floor and it's an all out sprint to see what she is climbing next. I thought I had the candy hid well in the eggs, but Detective Quinn found it! This is SO Quinn....
At the Peabody
Our Quinn loves ducks. Aidan and his friends ask her what she wants to be when she grows up and she says, "a duck!" Normally she just says, "qack, qack!" (yes she forgets the u) So for her birthday we took her downtown to the Peabody to see the ducks march. We have lived in Memphis for almost 8 years and had never done it. It was rainy and cold, but we went up on the rooftop and looked at the ducks and then stood in the lobby for 30 minutes to get a good spot to see them march from the elevator to the fountain. It was really enjoyable. Quinn seemed in shock that they had ducks inside. We had the camera with us, but forgot a battery (yeah, we're professionals! haha) So I got a quick video of her watching the ducks swim in the fountain. After that we went shopping and stopped for a piece of cookie cake. A fun day!
Quinn got to pick out a duck in the shop, snuggling on the way to shopping!


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