Our Quinn loves ducks. Aidan and his friends ask her what she wants to be when she grows up and she says, "a duck!" Normally she just says, "qack, qack!" (yes she forgets the u) So for her birthday we took her downtown to the Peabody to see the ducks march. We have lived in Memphis for almost 8 years and had never done it. It was rainy and cold, but we went up on the rooftop and looked at the ducks and then stood in the lobby for 30 minutes to get a good spot to see them march from the elevator to the fountain. It was really enjoyable. Quinn seemed in shock that they had ducks inside. We had the camera with us, but forgot a battery (yeah, we're professionals! haha) So I got a quick video of her watching the ducks swim in the fountain. After that we went shopping and stopped for a piece of cookie cake. A fun day!
Quinn got to pick out a duck in the shop, snuggling on the way to shopping!


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