Yes, although it might be closer to Christmas than Easter(only 254 shopping days left!), I am still going to share our Easter pictures. It's been busy, thank you for you patience...and now back to our regular blogging program.
Easter was great. We got up and went to early church and enjoyed a great service. Then we came home and the kids hunted for Easter eggs in the front yard. It was fun to see all three of them running around this year. Quinn kind of got it last year, but this year, she knew exactly what to do. The boys saw the eggs everywhere, but SO sweet, they kind of hung back and let Quinn go first. Such gentleman! EGGS!

"Look Aidan, look what I found!" he screams happily!

"Mommy, Daddy, I found a PICKLE!" only Canon!

They picked out their Easter baskets this year....of course Canon got a dinosaur!

and our Astros baseball player picked out a baseball basket....

Ok, I am not sure who invited this young man to our Easter Egg hunt.....the last time I looked I had 2 little boys and a baby, when did he get this big?

He maybe big, but he still loves doing kid things!

Quinn chose a basket with a stuffed animal attached to it and was mad that she couldn't get the stuffed animal off! Silly girl

My three little ducks all in a row....I think we told them if they were done, we could open them up....that means CANDY!

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