Christmas Eve morning we went and saw Santa vs. the Snowman Imax at the Pink Palace. We stopped for some Chik-fil-A for lunch. Before we headed out for church that afternoon I took a few pictures in front of the tree.

Our children are natural goof balls! This is the first pose they came up with, all on their own, when I said let me get a picture of all three of you. Each of them gifted in the art of the funny face!

Church was so good! We ran into Chris and Mandi who we hadn't seen in forever and it was so much fun to share the service with them. The whole service was awesome, but when we sang Silent Night by candlelight, I had goosebumps! It's a horrible picture, but if you can imagine thousands of people holding candles and singing about the birth of Jesus, it was amazing!

We went home, changed into our new pajamas and played Just Dance (thanks Mymom!) The kiddos were quick to go to bed, they didn't want Santa to skip our house and have to circle all the way around the world again!

Our sweet sleeping babies....

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