I was feeling crafty before Thanksgiving, so I attempted my first applique shirt for Quinn. I just did it on my regular sewing machine, no where near professional, but it did the job! Here she is modeling her Turkey shirt!
I am Canon's room mom this year and the Thanksgiving Celebration had to have some pizazz, or so I thought! These grand ideas of mine are always so well played out in my mind, and then I have to actually follow through!!! I am a huge fan of Bakerella. If you don't know her, your life is lacking.....I think I am Bakerella, but I am NOT Bakerella. I like to imagine that I am though. Quinn and I attempted to make 50 turkey pops (no meat involved, they are cake pops, dipped in chocolate) for Canon's class, all the kids teachers, and for my co-workers. She was such a good helper!

4 hours later, yes FOUR, I had a gaggle of Turkeys. Are they gaggles? Well, I had a bunch. (Had to google it, it's a rafter of Turkeys although gang is acceptable, I knew you were wondering....HA!) Each one painstakingly hand made with candy corns for the tails, an m&m for their face, drawn icing black eyes, a small sprinkle candy orange nose, and a red fall leaf sprinkle for their waddle. Todd encouraged me to get the real camera, but after 4 hours of pretending to be Bakerella I could barely get my phone out!

My rafter of turkey pops ready to go! This is the last time you will ever see these!!!!

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