Wednesday, April 23, 2008


"Mymom" recently visited and before she came she asked me what the boys were interested in. I told her transformers for Aidan and that Canon was really into buses lately. (that is an understatement)! If there is a vehicle that is slightly bigger than a car, it's a BUS! to Canon. A fire truck, is a BUS! A van, is a BUS! An SUV, is a BUS! So when we are driving around in the car all we hear out of Canon is BUS!!!!!!!!!!!!! And when the BUS! goes out of sight, he yells MORE! Well, "mymom" bought him his very own bus. Canon, being the silly boy that he is decided that he would play with it in a different way.

1 comment:

The Blakes said...

He's so handsome! Those eyes are going to be trouble when he's older...back off girls!!!