Monday, July 21, 2008

Picking Blackberries

A lady at work recently brought in fresh blueberries from a farm where you can "pick your own." I thought it would be a great thing for us to go do together. It was HOT, but a ton of fun. It was kind of like easter egg hunting for the boys. They gave them buckets and just let us go for it. They quickly caught on to pick the black ones and not the red. It was fun to watch them get so excited about each find. Especially since they both tried one and neither one of them liked them. They enjoyed the "hunt" not the "catch." Todd also picked a few peaches and they are so delicious. It was a fun afternoon and I have a bucket full of blackberries if anyone wants them!

We asked Aidan to eat one more for a picture and this was how excited he was about the thought of putting one in his mouth.

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