Thursday, September 11, 2008

Princess Sugar Bean and Spa Time

At first I just thought I was being silly, no 5 month old can tell time, but our Quinn, she can! Around 6:30-7:00 every evening our little princess(I tend to call her Princess Sugar Bean, not sure where that came from?) decides that it is time for her "spa" Now that is just a bath, but she requires it. If we try to skip it, she gets a little unnerved. So away we go to give her the spa treatment for the day. She LOVES the bath. She would stay in all night if I didn't have dinner to cook, homework to do, boys to wash, reading to do, laundry, you get the picture. So every night the spa must come to an end.....her reaction?
Still a little pitiful, but she notices someone is paying attention to her.....
Oh, mom has the camera?
The paparazzi have arrived! I must shine......
What a ham.........(a cute ham at that!)

1 comment:

The Blakes said...

Addie loves "spa time" too...maybe we can make an "appointment" for them to have one together over Christmas!