Thursday, October 2, 2008

6 months old!

Quinn has been a joyful part of our lives for a whole 6 months. WOW! She is such a honey. Her milestones thus far are....she is officially sitting up(mostly-a few flops every once in a while), she has cut her 2 bottom teeth, and her new obsession? eating mom's hair. She loves to grab, pull, and eat my hair, therefore, I constantly have a ponytail now. She is really interacting now, especially with Aidan and Canon. She and Canon have yelling matches...Canon screams, Quinn screams, Canon screams, Quinn goes on and on and they both think it's so funny. She is on the verge of blowing a raspberry as well! She weighs 16 lbs. 10 oz.( and has the thighs to proove it:) and she is 26 inches long! We went to the zoo to scope it out for a wedding and got a few sweet pictures of our 1/2 year old little girl! And a few of the girls!

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