Sunday, November 30, 2008

Atlanta Marathon/Happy Thanksgiving!

We are back home from a very fun road trip to Atlanta. About 5 months ago I called my mom and told her I had the best idea! While looking for my post-Quinn marathon, I found the Atlanta Marathon. It was on Thanksgiving day, we could meet in the middle, she could run the half and I could run the full! She's as crazy as I am and agreed and had the hotel booked before I could start training! So the five of us(Todd is so good to go along with my craziness!) and my mom and brother, Bryce and his girlfriend Lottie and my 2 sisters, Grace and Erica had a great time in Atlanta. Mom had a great half, she ran it in 2:03 and the course is super hilly! Go Mom! I didn't do half bad myself. I ran my personal best(on that tough course) a 3:33:57! I was the 11th woman to finish and got 2nd place in my age group! Todd had a marathon himself, getting 3 kids ready, on a train and down to the finish line! He worked harder than we did running. Aidan was supposed to run a 1 mile fun run, but got a little overwhelmed with the crowd and stayed with us instead. All-in-all it was a fun weekend and a great excuse to eat a LOT of food!
I had my own cheering section at mile 8(which was right outside our hotel) Aidan had his sign for me and Canon was so excited to spot his mom! I was thrilled to see them as well!
The finish! Most of the course was the exact course that the marathoners ran in the 1996 Olympics. This is always the best part of the race!

1 comment:

The Blakes said...

You never cease to amaze us!!! We are so proud of you and are not surprise that you got second place!!!!!!...wish we were there too.