Friday, November 13, 2009

Knox Vegas

So last Friday I loaded three children into our van after work and got on I-40 East....headed to Knoxville (or as we lovingly refer to it...Knox Vegas) Ashley, Chris, and Addie were coming from California and we couldn't wait to see them! Todd, was on a plane to New York...(keep reading the other blogs, you'll see why) and so I braved the 6 hour trip with 3 kids by myself. The first hour I thought I would just turn around, but we pushed through it and after that it was really smooth sailing to K-ville.

The first hour happened like this....Quinn got sick (Augmentin) changed her clothes put her back in the van, on we go.....10 minutes later Canon screams, "I have to go POT-TY!" I pull over at the next exit, go to get him out and he smiles and says, "I don't need to go!" "You don't?" "Nope, I went in my seat!"(very proud look on his face) we change HIS clothes, clean his seat, and back on the road. About 10 minutes later, "We are STARVING!" So we pull over AGAIN! Honestly, I think at this rate we might get there Sunday. But I fed them and they were happy the rest of the way.

Our visit with everyone was so worth every second of the trip! We had a blast with Ashley, Chris, and Addie and also got the bonus of seeing Stacey and Mike and Cameron and Elliott! Here are a few from Knox Vegas.

All the grandchildren with Juanita....why does Canon always have his mouth open you ask? Because he is screaming!
Let's throw the ball in your mouth game.....a really fun one!


Such an actress!

The Blakes! Miss you guys!
Nina and Pots with all the grandkids....
4 kids and 2 photographers, this is the best we could do! haha

Don't worry, we'll just photoshop Todd in :-)


bethdunn said...

I LOVE these pictures- I want copies! It makes me miss everybody- I'd love to visit with all of the gang and really catch up- how are we going to work that in?? Love you both, and we're so proud of you- we'll be watching Friday night! Love you, Aunt Beth

A. Blake said...

I LOVE I LOVE! How I wish we lived closer. Miss you all