Thursday, March 18, 2010

"You can LOOK at it!"

So I get Parent's Magazine....and I am such a sucker. There was an article in it and I started reading it......"Do you feel like you say NO all day?" YES! "Do you want to stop meltdowns and never say NO again?" YES! I has hooked. So one of the strategies was to turn it into what they can do. So yesterday I tried it.....Quinn was about to touch our plug in wall fragrance thingy(very technical term for it!) and I started to say, "Don't touch it" but instead said, "You can LOOK at it only..." so Quinn sat down in the hallway and watched it for about 5 minutes....I was laughing so hard! She did eventually scoot closer and closer to it and ended up touching it, at which point I said, "Don't touch!" Maybe I'll NEVER say No tomorrow! haha

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