Thursday, September 2, 2010

First Day of Pre-School

Canon and Quinn started preschool yesterday. Last year Todd took them, but because of new schedules I'm on drop off duty. I have to admit the pictures are lacking because I was in frantic mode trying to get all 3 kids to 2 different places at the same time! They were so excited to go and I know that they will learn so much this year. Canon is in the 4 year old class and they have computer class, music, and a full curriculum including bible verses and kindergarten prep. Quinn's teacher is the sweetest thing and they wanted to keep her when I went to pick them up yesterday. It was a great first day of school!

They wouldn't smile.....they kept saying..."school" over and over.....too funny!
Still saying "school"
He's so handsome! When I looked at the picture he looks so big! How did that happen?
Our comic relief.....I thought boys were a handful!!!!

1 comment: said...

WOW. How in the world did they get big enough for preK??? Miss u bunches!! Hope as is well for you and the family!

in HIS love and mine,
lynn <><