Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Christmas Eve Night

Christmas Eve we spent a lovely evening at our new church, which we all love, and then a meal at Carrabba's (we tried to have pizza, but all the pizza places were closed, so we never pass up a chance to eat Carrabba's!) And then we went home to open up Mymom's gift box she sent. It made us all giggle, all the presents started with the letter "P" We then nestled in our new pj's and watched a movie and got to bed early! A Perfectly Pleasant Evening....

Quinn fell asleep in the car on the way home from dinner, I kept asking her if she wanted to open presents, she would nod, but not open her eyes.....and she was snoring.....LOUDLY!
But finally the ripping of paper woke her up and she was definitely into it!

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