Friday, July 6, 2012

Birthday Bowling

Since his party was the weekend before his birthday, we had to come up with some fun stuff to do on his REAL birthday.  The great thing about Canon is he knows exactly what he wants and his request was bowling.  The kiddos and I loaded up and ate chik fil a....of course and headed to the bowling alley.  We were the ONLY people there!  HA!  I told Canon I reserved the whole place just for him :)

I'm 6!
my shoes....I couldn't resist

So, I think I've mentioned it before, but Aidan is obsessed with Candy's his answer for every question.....

Example:  me:  hey aidan what would you like for lunch?
aidan:  candy canes

aidan:  you know what would make swimming so much more fun?
me:  no, what?
aidan: candy canes

and so on and so on.....he keeps us laughing for sure so when i saw this i made them stand in front of it!
and a birthday at the bowling alley is not complete without air hockey!

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