Monday, January 25, 2010


Daily is wrong, it's more like hourly, no, every 5 minutes! These kiddos can take a bad day and make you smile and laugh...out loud! Let me preface these pictures....not normally would I put pictures of our toilet on the internet....NEVER in a million years, but Todd and I laughed so hard the other night, we had to share.

Now with 2 boys in the house, it's not odd for me to lift up the seat (yes, they do put them down!) and find "something"....gross I know. But the other night Todd and I watched a movie and were heading up to bed. I went into the bathroom and lifted the seat to "something" so I went to flush, without thinking and as I bent down I saw that the "something" had a smiley face on it!!!!!! I started laughing so hard Todd came up to see what was going on. We of course knew it was Canon (the potato was Aidan's from a science lab at school, they had drawn faces on potatoes) Todd and I then started to laugh and make comments. Maybe not as funny to you, but we were rolling!

On the way to church the next morning we asked the boys if they knew how the potato got in the toilet and Canon gladly and quickly fessed up...."It was me!" With his sweet grin......

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