Sunday, April 12, 2009

The Easter Dress

My very good friend, Jane, helped me smock and sew Quinn's Christmas dress.  I smocked it, she sewed it!  I decided that I was going to smock and sew Quinn's Easter dress and force myself to learn to do it on my own.  About 6 weeks ago, I went to the local smocking shop and came out with a bag full of fabric and thread.  I dutifully went to class on Thursday nights(thank you Todd!) and I think it all paid off.  I am one proud mama.  I picked the dress with an embroidered cross on it, because that is what Easter is all was such a sweet and meaningful pattern, that it was a joy to make for Quinn.  The lady who designed it says it so perfectly....."making a gift for someone is an expression of love, a giving of one's self....I could think of no better message of love than the symbol that stands for love-The Cross.  What better gift could we receive than the love of God through His Son Jesus".  Happy Easter!  Here are a few of Quinn and THE DRESS!


Unknown said...

What a beautiful and meaningful way to express your love for our beautiful Quinn but also for our Lord and Saviour Jesus. I am sure that you have captured ALL of our hearts these pictures and that gorgeous dress!!

Carey said...


I'm so behind, but it's BEAUTIFUL!! You must have been so proud. Karis talks about Aidan every day. The dress is fantastic.