Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Dinosaurs at the zoo.....and a Camel Ride

Canon has a little obsession with dinos.  He really always has.  When the zoo opened up the Dino exhibit we were just about first in line.  It was tons of fun....a little scary for Quinn since they move and make noises, but she got used to them quickly.  Canon cracks me up because I'll say there's a pterodactyl and he'll say, "there's no such thing as a pterodactyl their called Quetzalcoatlus.  Smarty pants!

Then these 2 monkeys convinced me to let them ride a camel!  I love how adventurous they are....as a child I was definitely not that adventurous so I love that they are so willing and excited to try new things....even if it is riding a smelly camel.  HA!

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